Keeping It Interesting
Jacob's tip of the day: My parents thought they'd gotten all wise to me and stuff. Like leaving the case of the vcr permanently unscrewed so they could get my treasures out easier really required that much thought. I decided that it was time to knock them down a notch or two. They didn't catch on at first. They kept pouring all those bottles of goo down my dad's sink and scratching their heads. Finally, this afternoon, my mom caught me with toothpaste on my ear and went to investigate. Now my treasures have been confiscated - my mom's "missing" toothbrush, 2 quarters, a Chuck E. Cheese token, the top to the toothpaste tube, the presser foot to my mom's sewing machine and the head to my dad's razor. I know this is supposed to be a tip - I'll get back to you on my new hiding place.
rofl (sorry) This is so our tape deck in the van.
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